PAWS for Reading program

Taking a therapy dog to the PAWS reading program is so rewarding.  Sometimes children can be shy about their reading skills.  But reading to a dog they have the following benefits:

For Literacy Support (PAWS for Reading)

  • helps children focus better
  • improves literacy skills
  • provides non-stressful, non-judgmental environment
  • increases self-confidence
  • reduces self-consciousness
  • encourages the love of reading in specific and learning in general
  • In Physical Therapy
  • increases joint movement
  • improves recovery time
  • maintains or increases motor skills
  • provides motivation to move more, stretch farther, exercise longer

I took one of my dogs many years ago to this program.  She was an older girl and liked to just sit still and be pet.  She was so cute sitting there while children would read to her and show her pictures and talk to her.  My sweet girl just had love in her eyes for the children while they read and often one had on her and one hand holding the book.  If you have a dog that would be patient with children you should check into this program that runs all over the US.  It is a very rewarding experience for all.  And a Smoocher or scarf is a perfect decoration to dress up for the event.  

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